quarta-feira, dezembro 22, 2010

O Mar ( The Sea)

Eu já disse o quanto eu amo esse grandalhão azul? Pois é, acho que não! Então vou falar um pouco. Eu não sei qual é a minha ligação com o mar, assim como não sei qual a minha relação com a música, para gostar tanto. Desde pequena costumava praticar natação, adorava tomar banho na piscina da casa de praia, e o melhor de tudo para mim, O Mar. Eu lembro de uma vez que mergulhei em uma onda tão grande que sai rolando e engoli areia. Eca! Então eu entrei no mar de novo e passei o resto da manhã mergulhando nas ondas mais próximas da praia. Eu morava em uma cidade que fica no litoral, por isso é turistica. Eu adorava os domingos que meu pai me acordava às seis da manhã para chegar cedo e aproveitar o melhor do sol e da praia. Mas agora que vivo, praticamente no coração do Brasil, não posso me encontrar muitas vezes com meu amigão. Acho que foi por isso que perdi toda aquela vontade de nadar, principalmente em piscinas. Dorival Caymmi é um cantor da melhor MPB que fez uma homenagem ao grandalhão.

O Mar
Dorival Caymmi

O mar quando quebra na praia
É bonito, é bonito

O mar... pescador quando sai
Nunca sabe se volta, nem sabe se fica
Quanta gente perdeu seus maridos seus filhos
Nas ondas do mar
O mar quando quebra na praia
É bonito, é bonito

Pedro vivia da pesca
Saia no barco
Seis horas da tarde
Só vinha na hora do sol raiá
Todos gostavam de Pedro
E mais do que todas
Rosinha de Chica
A mais bonitinha
E mais bem feitinha
De todas as mocinha lá do arraiá

Pedro saiu no seu barco
Seis horas da tarde
Passou toda a noite
Não veio na hora do sol raiá
Deram com o corpo de Pedro
Jogado na praia
Roído de peixe
Sem barco sem nada
Num canto bem longe lá do arraiá

Pobre Rosinha de Chica
Que era bonita
Agora parece 
Que endoideceu
Vive na beira da praia
Olhando pras ondas
Andando rondando
Dizendo baixinho
Morreu, morreu, morreu, oh...
O mar quando quebra na praia
É bonito, é bonito

terça-feira, dezembro 14, 2010

Diference? Indeed, not!!

Well, everybody knows that nobody is like anyone. But strange things can happen.
Look well:
Tyson Ritter, singer of All The American Rejects

Jesus Luz, model and ex-boyfriend of Madonna.

Noticed the difference? No? Neighter do I. People, from other sites, say that Tyson looks like Tom Welling, Clark Kent the Superman of Smallville. Look:
I think that Tyson looks like more with Jesus Luz!! But there's one thing that i can't forgot, they're all too handsome men.

segunda-feira, dezembro 13, 2010


This is the newest video from Thirty Seconds To Mars. I'm shocking so far, but I don't understand why this parts "style of Lady Gaga", this is disgusting and if "Bartholomew Cubbins" pretend to make some criticism, pardon me, but I can't understand. I don't know if it's a falt of my poor brain or "Bartholomew Cubbins" only want to exalt the sex and the violence.
The name of the music is Hurricane and here is the lyrics:

No matter how many times did you told me you wanted to leave
No matter how many breaths that you took
You still couldn't breath
No matter how many nights did you lie
I'd wait to the sounds of pausing rain
Where did you go?
Where did you go?
Where did you go...?

As days go by the nights are on fire

Tell me would you kill to save your life?

Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?
Crash, crash, burn, let it all burn
This hurricane is chasing us all underground

No matter how many days I die, I will never forget

No matter how many lies I live, I will never regret
There's a fire inside, of this heart
In a riot, about to explode into flames
Where is you God?
Where is you God?
Where is you God...?

Do you really want?

Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead or alive
To torture for my sins

Do you really want?

Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead or alive
To live a lie

Tell me would you kill to save your life?

Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?
Crash, crash, burn, let it all burn,
This hurricane is chasing us all underground

The promises we made were not enough

The prayers that we had prayed were like a drug
The secrets that we sold we never known

The love we had, the love we had

We had to let it go

Tell me would you kill to save your life

Tell me would you kill to prove your right
Crash crash, burn, let it all burn,
This hurricane is chasing us all underground

Oh oh woah, this hurricane

Oh oh woah, this hurricane
Oh oh woah, this hurricane
Oh oh woah...

Do you really want?

Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead or alive
To torture for my sins

Do you really want?

Do you really want me?
Do you really want me dead or alive
To live a lie

domingo, dezembro 12, 2010

Different Poll

Chose and write in the comments what's the better image. I'll put in place of this simple "LineA Blog's" above the posts. Please participate in the poll : D


If you think there are a few options, shout it out loud in a comment!!!
You Moderator,

The Legend of Zorro

The legend of Zorro was criated a long time ago 40/50's, when the state of California was in the time of colonizated era. There was many capitains monastaries who commanded a large part of the California espana with arrogance, corruption and abusing of the power granted of the Spanish Crown. Don Diego De La Vega get back from Spain to see his father and found a flock that was trying to get hold of the region. His boss was called Eagle, and Zorro was trying to know who was the Eagle and know how to destroy him and the flock. But this is only a legend. Antonio Bandeiras act as Zorro in the latest film The Mask of Zorro. The first Zorro, Guy Williams act in the serie Zorro from Disney studios. Zorro is a character that has many others interpreters and many others storys using this name. Zorro is a hero today because the people identified with the figure of men who revolutionized. Rather than those who raise the certainty of defeat, raise the sword.
I tried to put an imege but I can't, but I don't know why not, sorry. But if you want to see here I have one link: http://www.google.com.br/images?hl=pt-br&source=imghp&biw=1024&bih=570&q=zorro&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
Your moderator,


Hey! What's up? This is my new blog, I lost the password of the my older one. Now this is my new window to the world. Here i'll put all that i like, think that i can share with you, my readers. Oh! I almost forgot, i'll leave here my tales, and (who want to : D), you can leave your comments!!

Your Moderator